Responsibilities: To time, record, signal and report on the time used by Speakers,
Table Topic Speakers, written evaluations, Evaluators, and the General Evaluator
Instruction sheet in the kit
Green, Yellow and Red signal cards
(Have an empty chair beside you to hold materials (since we are not at tables).
Time Limits
If it is the 4-6 minute Ice Breaker: light
Green at 4-minutes
Yellow at 5-minutes
Red at 6- minutes~ Record actual time.
If it is a regular 5-7 minute speech: light
Green at 5
Yellow at 6
Red at 7 ~ Record actual time.
Advanced speeches for experienced Toastmasters vary in time. Speakers who need a different amount of time than the above time limits should let the Timer know in advance of the meeting. It the Timer is not sure of requirements, ask speakers before the meeting about their time limits and exactly when they would like the color signal lights.
Note that speakers are allowed + or – 30 seconds “grace period.” * If a speaker goes over the grace period, wave the red card until the speaker stops.
We are allowing 1 ½ minutes for written evaluations after each speech. Signal the Toastmaster when this time is up.
Table Topics Speakers:
Green at 1:00
Yellow at 1:30
Red at 2:00 ~ Record actual time.
Note that TT speakers are allowed + / – 15 seconds grace period. * If a speaker goes over the grace period, wave the red card until the speaker stops.
Speech Evaluators:
Green at 2:00
Yellow at 2:30
Red at 3:00 ~ Record actual time.
Note that Evaluators are allowed + / – 15 seconds grace period. * If a speaker goes over the grace period, wave the red card until the speaker stops.
General Evaluator:
Green at 3:00
Yellow at 3:30
Red at 4:00 ~ Record actual time. * If a speaker goes over the grace period, wave the red card until the speaker stops.
Please put stopwatch, colored folders, and these directions in the zip-lock bag: leave on Greeter’s table for use next week.